Some people say that a table saw is the most important tool in any wood shop. I disagree. The pencil, hands down, is the most important tool. Anytime I’m working on a project, the one thing I will always need – multiple times – is a pencil. Before stumbling on this box of 150 pre-sharpened pencils, I routinely fell victim to the “disappearing pencil” phenomenon wherein I would need a pencil (usually while balancing on the top rung of a ladder or trying to hold two pieces of wood at a delicate, impossible-to-repeat angle) but could never find one. Finally, I grew tired enough of this that I decided to do something about it – and took great joy in going completely overboard with this purchase. When the box arrived, I scattered pencils around my shop at every work station. Now, whenever I need a pencil and find one immediately, I congratulate myself on what a well-organized genius I am. Great buy – I highly recommend. Especially for those who’ve had similar encounters with wayward writing instruments.