Did everything I needed it to do. After setting up and testing the camera inside I put it outside to monitor a bird feeder. The camera was located about 35 feet away from inside our bedroom and about the same distance away from my one of my routers. Bluetooth connection and wifi connections at 35 feet connected every time. Being able to live-view and to view captured photos without having to pull the SD card was exactly what I wanted. Being able to download the photos/videos via wifi was a plus. I only had a 16gb sd card laying around but it worked fine. I set the camera to 4mp to see what size the photos and videos were. I was surprised the photos and videos are rather small being mp4/jpg. I will have to set the camera to a higher resolution to get a better image quality. Not sure about battery life yet since I only used it one night and it triggered 7 times with some raccoons. Battery still at 100% after 1 day. For the money I’m very happy with this little camera.