Just get it! One year later, this robot still performs its job as expected. And with four cats using, a hard working one at that too. We use regular clay litter and works just as fine as the brand’s litter media. I end up emptying the drawer bin 3 times a week as that’s when it gets absolutely full and stinky. I let the litter go down to 40% each time before I top it up with more litter, usually once a week. I then do maintenance on it once a month, by disassembling the unit. I take the drum out to thoroughly clean by hosing it down and brushing the inside with a toilet brush and cleaning spray. On the inside, I use a paint brush to brush out all loose litter and then wipe down everything with a cleaning spray and paper towel. I’ve programmed it to empty after 5 min of cat using to ensure a hard clump forms. I couldn’t manage manually cleaning a cat box for four cats without spending the time, inhaling the dust and the stink, so one year so far of having this has been worth the investment. It’s the most hard working $500~ Robot I’ve bought so far.