I have very short legs… They are so short when I sit on the bus they dangle like a child. So when I got an office job sitting in a chair all day was unbearably painful. I shifting, squirming and fidgeting so much my productivity was going down and I was really miserable. I tried using an upside down recycle bin as a foot rest but that was not comfortable.
So I found this and was intrigued! Adjustable? Yes. Ergonomic? Check. Doesn’t slide back when pressure is put on it? Check.
This foot rest completely solved my problem of an aching lower back and legs that were just on fire all day. I have it resting on it’s highest height and that is perfect for me and my legs that are maybe 3 feet long. I like that the footrest can swivel back and forth too so I can flex my legs while I sit.
I have no complaints about this product and I highly recommend it.